Texas FFA Degrees  
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Discovery Degree      
This degree recognizes students enrolled in 7-8 grade agricultural science class making strides toward successful involvement in the FFA. Receipt of this degree is not necessary in order to obtain the Greenhand FFA Degree. This degree of active membership is awarded at the chapter level.

To receive a Discovery FFA Degree, members must meet the following requirements:
  • Enroll in an agriculture class for at least a portion of a school year while in grades 7 – 8.
  • Become a dues-paying FFA member at the chapter, state and national levels.
  • Participate in at least one FFA chapter activity outside of scheduled class time.
  • Have an understanding of agriculture-related careers and entrepreneurship opportunities.
  • Become familiar with the local FFA chapter’s Program of Activities (POA).  
  • Submit a written application for the degree.

  • Greenhand FFA Degree      
    FFA members enrolled in their first year of high school credit agricultural science, that have satisfactory plans for a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program and that have demonstrated their understanding of the history and purpose of the FFA may apply for their Greenhand Degree. This degree of active membership is awarded at the chapter level. 

    To receive a Greenhand FFA Degree, members must meet the following requirements:
  • Enroll in an agricultural education program and have satisfactory plans for a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE).
  • Learn and explain the FFA Creed, FFA Mission and Motto, and FFA salute.
  • Describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and FFA colors.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the FFA Code of Ethics and the proper use of the FFA jacket.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the history of the organization, the chapter constitution and bylaws and the chapter Program of Activities.
  • Own or have access to the Official FFA Manual and the Official FFA Student Handbook.
  • Submit a written application for the Greenhand FFA Degree.

  • Chapter FFA Degree      
    Those FFA members that have received their Greenhand degree may apply for the Chapter Degree. Members must be enrolled in an agricultural science class, have completed at least two semesters in agricultural science at or above the ninth grade level, have in operation an approved SAE program, demonstrate leadership skills and be actively involved in the activities of the local FFA chapter. This degree of active membership is awarded at the chapter level. The Chapter FFA Degree is given to an FFA chapter’s top members.

    To receive a Chapter FFA Degree, members must meet the following requirements:
  • Received the Greenhand FFA Degree.
  • Satisfactorily completed 180 hours (or the equivalent) of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at or above the ninth grade level.
  • Have an approved SAE in operation.
  • Enrolled in an agriculture course.
  • Participated in the planning and implementation of at least three official FFA chapter activities.
  • Earned and productively invested at least $150, or have worked at least 45 hours outside of scheduled class time, or a combination of the two, through their SAE. The combination of hours multiplied by a factor of 3.56 and dollars must equal or exceed 150.
  • Have developed plans for continued growth and improvement of their SAE.
  • Effectively lead a group discussion for 15 minutes.
  • Demonstrated five parliamentary law procedures.
  • Show progress toward achievement in FFA award programs.
  • Have a satisfactory academic record.
  • Submitted a written application for the Chapter FFA Degree.
  • Complete a minimum of 10 hours of community service activities.

  • State/Lone Star FFA Degree      
    This is the highest degree of membership the State FFA Association can award. FFA members may apply to receive the Lone Star Degree only after they have received the Chapter degree. Those wishing to receive their Lone Star Degree must have been an active FFA member for at least two years, complete at least four semesters of agricultural science at or above the ninth grade level, maintain a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program, invest significant time and money in their SAE, demonstrate their leadership skills and show a commitment to the FFA through involvement at the chapter level and above. This degree of active membership is awarded at the state level during the Texas FFA convention.

    To receive a State FFA Degree, members must meet the following requirements:
  • Received a Chapter FFA Degree.
  • Have been an active FFA member for at least two years (24 months) at the time of receiving the State FFA Degree
  • Have completed at least 2 years (360 hours) of systematic school instruction in agricultural education at our above the ninth grade level, which includes an SAE.
  • Have earned and productively invested at least $1000 and, or worked at least 300 hours in excess of scheduled class time, in a supervised agricultural experience program. The combination of hours and earnings multiplied by a factor of 3.56 must be equal to or greater than the number 1,000.
  • Demonstrated leadership ability by performing 10 parliamentary law procedures, giving a six-minute speech on a topic relating to agriculture or FFA, and serving as an FFA officer, committee chairperson, or committee member.
  • Have a satisfactory academic record, certified by the agriculture teacher and the school principal or superintendent.
  • Participated in the planning and implementation of the chapter’s Program of Activities.
  • As of  May 15, have completed ten activities above the chapter level in at least three of six different categories: leadership development events, career development events, conventions and meetings, project shows, student awards and leadership and service as described in policies adopted by the Board of Directors.
  • Complete at least 25 hours of community service in a minimum of two different activities. All community service hours are cumulative, i.e. the 10 community service hours used to obtain the chapter degree can be used toward the state degree.

  • American FFA Degree      
    This degree of active membership is awarded by the National FFA Organization and is the highest level of active membership which can be achieved within the FFA. This final step in the FFA Degree system encourages members to grow and achieve personally toward establishing yourself in an agricultural career. Members may apply for their American degree only if they have received the State FFA Degree, have graduated from high school at least twelve months prior to the national convention and meet the very high standards for the degree.

    These requirements include an excellent record of involvement within the FFA, operation and maintenance of records to substantiate an outstanding supervised agricultural experience program through which a member has exhibited comprehensive planning, managerial and financial expertise, have earned and productively invested a specific amount of both time and money.

    The American FFA Degree is a sign of great accomplishment among FFA members. Only a small percentage of FFA members ever earn the degree (the greatest percentage of members ever to receive the degree in one year was less than one half of one percent).

    FFA members who qualify for the American FFA Degree:
  • Have received a Greenhand FFA Degree, Chapter FFA Degree and State FFA Degree.
  • Have been FFA members for the past three years (36 months) and have a record of satisfactory participation in activities on the chapter and state levels.
  • Have completed the equivalent of at least three years (540 hours) of high school agriculture classes, or 2 years of high school agriculture classes and one year of college agriculture classes (360 hours.)
  • Have graduated from high school at least 12 months prior to the National FFA Convention at which their degree will be awarded.
  • Have maintained detailed SAE records, which demonstrate outstanding planning, managerial and financial skills.
  • A student after entering agricultural education must have: (a.) Earn at least $10,000 and productively invested $7,500 or (b.) Have earned and productively invested at least $2,000 and worked 2,250 unpaid hours in excess of scheduled class time; Any combination of hours, times a factor of 3.56 plus actual dollars earned and productively invested must be equal to or greater than the number 10,000. Hours used for the purpose of producing earnings reported as productively invested income shall not be duplicated as hours of credit to meet the minimum requirements for the degree.
  • Have a record of outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement and have achieved a high school scholastic record of "C" or better as certified by the principal or superintendent.  
  • As of December 1 of calendar year prior to the year the member is to receive the degree, have completed at least 50 hours of community service within at least three different community service activities. These hours are in addition to the paid or unpaid supervised agricultural experience hours.

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    For specific requirements necessary to attain each degree of active membership, please read Article VI of the Texas FFA Constitution.


    Discovery Degree:

    Greenhand FFA Degree:

    Chapter FFA Degree:

    State/Lone Star FFA Degree:

    American FFA Degree:

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