Texas FFA Association
Policy Handbook
Section 40: Adult Recognition
Honorary Lone Star Degree
Texas FFA Constitution, Article V, Section F: Honorary Membership -- Those interested in production agriculture or agribusiness, school superintendents, principals, members of boards of education, chapter advisors, teachers, staff members in Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, business people, and others who are helping to advance agricultural education and the FFA and who have rendered outstanding service, may be elected to honorary membership by a majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting or convention. Honorary membership shall be limited to the Honorary Chapter FFA Degree/Chapter Farmer Degree in the chapter, Honorary State FFA Degree/Lone Star Farmer Degree in the state association, and the Honorary American FFA Degree in the National Organization.
40.1 Honorary Lone Star Degree for Teachers
(a) Teacher who are eligible to receive the Honorary Lone Star Degree shall have taught agriculture, food and natural resources for at least three years and in the same school district for two consecutive years, and
(b) Have participated in leadership developments events and career development events at the district and area levels, and
(c) Have been in regular attendance at district, area and state FFA meetings and district, area and state teachers meetings and conferences.
(d) Have been the advisor of three recipients of the Lone Star FFA Degree or the one recipient of the Lone Star FFA Degree and one recipient of the American FFA Degree. Eligible teacher candidates must have been advisor to each of these students for at least two years. In multiple teacher departments, each teacher shall be considered advisor to all students in the department.
(e) Area committees selecting teachers for the Honorary Lone Star FFA Degree shall be comprised of teachers who hold the degree. Nominations shall be submitted from the area degree check. Recipients of the Honorary Lone Star FFA Degree shall be recognized at a time and place determined by the Executive Director.
40.2 Honorary Lone Star Degree for Non-Teachers
(a) Members of the state convention host committee and state officer parents who have not previously received the Honorary Lone Star Degree shall be eligible to receive the degree. Such honorary degrees shall be awarded during the state convention or at a time and place deemed appropriate by the Executive Director.
(b) Areas shall be entitled to solicit nominees from their member chapters and to select recipients to receive the honor, the total number of which shall not exceed ten percent of the number of active member Lone Star FFA Degree recipients from the previous year. Nominees must be individuals, not organizations, groups or companies. Nominations must be submitted via the degree check and award selection entry and nomination forms must be submitted to the state degree check on or before the prescribed deadline for all other degree and award applications. Recipients in attendance at the state convention shall be recognized in a manner determined by the Executive Director. For recipients unable receive the degree in person, plaques, certificates or other appropriate recognition shall be provided by the state association to the area associations following the conclusion of said recognition to be awarded at a time and place deemed appropriate.
(c) Other Texas Agricultural Education/Texas FFA committees and partners may nominate those who have rendered outstanding service to Texas Agricultural Education and the Texas FFA by submitting to the Executive Director an completed nomination form on or before June 1. The number of honorary degrees above the area quotas shall be determined by the executive director.
40.3 Distinguished Service Citations
(a) Outstanding supporters who have previously received the Honorary Lone Star FFA Degree may receive the Distinguished Service Citation.
40.4 Blue and Gold Award
(a) The Blue and Gold Award shall be reserved for and bestowed upon those adults who have render extraordinary service to the Texas FFA Association, Texas FFA Foundation and/or to the agricultural education community.
(b) The Executive Board members shall recommend recipients of the Texas FFA Blue and Gold Award and reach a consensus on a single honoree. Should unusual circumstances merit, more than one Blue and Gold Award may be bestowed.
National FFA Honorary Awards
Honorary American Degree Teacher
This award is for educators who have demonstrated total program quality by utilizing factors which encompass the Local Program Success (LPS).
To be eligible for this award, a teacher:
1. Must have 85% FFA membership in their classroom in the last year.
2. Must have completed at least 10 years teaching agricultural education.
3. State supervisors must approve the nomination before it is sent for national consideration.
Honorary American Degree for Non-Teachers
This is the highest honorary degree. In order to receive this award, an individual must have provided exceptional service to agriculture, agricultural education, or the FFA.
State supervisors must approve the nomination before it is sent for national consideration.
National Distinguished Service Citation
This is the highest award presented to an organization, agency, business or other group by the National FFA Organization.
National VIP Award
This award is bestowed upon those individuals who have made outstanding contribution to FFA or agricultural education over a long period of time.