212° Leadership Conference
212° - the temperature at which water boils – focuses on taking students to the boiling point of leadership. At 211° water is extremely hot, but just one more degree gets us to the next level, the boiling point. This conference focuses on the development of the individual student. Students will be challenged to push the limits in their leadership. Themes for this conference include: Growth and Virtues, allowing students to attend in two consecutive years without seeing the same curriculum.
The objectives for the 2015-2016 212° Growth conference include:
Identifying four segments of personal growth.
Determining the role personal habits play in personal growth
Developing a personal growth plan
Differentiating between professional and personal relationships
Understanding social media
Identifying a mentor/coach
If you have any questions or other information, please contact the Texas FFA Leadership Development Coordinator at (512) 480-8045. More information can be found at https://www.ffa.org/participate/conferences/212-degrees
360° Leadership Conference
360° takes students full circle in chapter leadership development. The conference covers every angle for developing action plans for their chapters and communities. This conference focuses on chapter and community development. Themes for this conference include: Influence and Vision, allowing students to attend in two consecutive years without seeing the same curriculum.
The objectives for the 2015-2016 360° Influence conference include:
Defining influence and identifying the influence process
Recognizing relationship potential
Demonstrating logic when solving complex problems
Recognizing the benefits of maintaining a positive image
Reviewing qualities of collaboration and demonstrate collaboration skills
Inspecting everyday influence
These conferences focus on chapter development. More information can be found at https://www.ffa.org/participate/conferences/360-degrees