Texas FFA News  
Why I Teach Ag: Chad Orum    
Wednesday, December 15, 2021 | Author: Texas FFA News

What ag education classes do you teach?

I teach Principles of Ag Food and Natural Resources, Advanced Animal Science, Livestock Production, and Ag Mechanics.

Why do you teach ag?
I was very fortunate to have some great advisors that influenced me growing up in FFA and 4-H programs. I knew I wanted to step into a role and influence others the same way. Now my vision is to try to teach students how to compete at a high level and prepare them for the real world.

What is your favorite classroom memory as a teacher?
I don't know if I have a favorite memory but I do enjoy the process of using the three-ring model and watching students grow and develop through the process.

What is your favorite FFA memory as a teacher?
I have too many to have a specific favorite. I have been fortunate to have had several students receive a Texas FFA scholarship. I am able to start the process when they are 8th graders and watch them as they continue the path until they are successful. That makes for some great memories!

Why do you believe that ag education is so important?
I see the value and benefits each of my students in my classroom can gain from being in an ag class! I understand the life lessons learned through SAE projects can not be taught in other classrooms. I understand agriculture is the backbone of this nation and we must educate and advocate for future generations of agriculturist!

What advice would you give yourself as a first-year teacher?
Banners fade, trophies tarnish, but the relationships you have with your students will last a lifetime!

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