Texas FFA News  
Tomball FFA Members Host Special Rodeo    
Tuesday, March 15, 2016 | Author: Tyler Allen, Texas FFA News Staff

Tomball FFA members have created a platform to promote the appreciation of diversity through inclusiveness. This past January marked the second annual Tomball ISD Special Rodeo in conjunction with the school districts yearly FFA Project Show and Sale. 

The event provides a hands-on experience outside the classroom for special needs students within the district.  It allows individuals to utilize their communication and social skills while interacting with their peers in a new environment.

One hundred forty students enjoyed activities such as stick horse races, foam bow and arrow target practice, calf roping and a petting zoo. The event also included a photo booth featuring "Ms. Moo" from the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and a Texas Parks and Wildlife animal and plant life exhibit.

The Special Rodeo is an event for elementary, intermediate, junior high and high school students. Tomball FFA members serve as peer mentors, event leaders, group leaders and cheerleaders during the festivities.

“Our members are so passionate about it,” said Tomball Agriculture Science Teacher, Jessica Reeves. “It is the highlight of our year.” 

The rodeo was added to the project show lineup in 2015 as a way to involve more students in the annual project show.  

“We firmly believe that FFA has something for everyone, and everyone can be successful in our program,” Reeves said. “Several students with special needs have found a home in Tomball FFA.”

Even though the event is only one day, its lasting impact is evident in participants and members who assist in facilitating it.

“The Special Rodeo is an amazing, life changing experience for FFA students who volunteer and see the complete joy and happiness on the kids’ faces,” said Tomball FFA member, Natalie Brown.

While the rodeo is still in infancy, it has quickly caught on with the community and has garnered continued support.

“We are blessed to live in a community that loves and supports FFA,” said Reeves. “They come watch our show, buy projects at our sale, and now support this amazing event. It allows our community to see all of the positive aspects of [our program].”

Corporate Sponsors
  Texas Farm Bureau  

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