Texas FFA News  
Texas FFA Members Receive Lonestar Degrees    
Friday, July 14, 2017 | Author: Lani Pieper, Caldwell FFA

Pride filled the arena at the fifth general session of the 89th Texas FFA Convention as more than 2,000 dedicated members walked the stage to be awarded their Lonestar Degree.

“Receiving the Lonestar degree signifies everything I have put my heart and soul into for the past three years,” said Megan Newman, Troy FFA member and Lonestar Degree recipient. “My passions and aspirations have led me to strive for the degree.”

The FFA degree system is organized so that all FFA members, no matter where you are from, have an equal chance of obtaining each degree of membership. The iconic golden chain and charm symbolize a high accomplishment for many members.

“The chain definitely embodies unity for me,” said Newman. “[Recipients] have worked very hard to get where they are today.”
The Lonestar Degree is the highest award the state association can bestow upon a member, which holds significant value to its recipients. 

Those wishing to receive their Lone Star Degree must have been an active FFA member for at least two years, complete at least four semesters of agricultural science at or above the ninth-grade level, maintain a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program, invest significant time and money in their SAE, demonstrate their leadership skills and show a commitment to the FFA through involvement at the chapter level and above.

“The achievement brings you great honor, as well as additional responsibility,” said Christian Cavazos, Texas FFA State Officer. “You have widened the field of your service and influence in the strengthening of agriculture.”

If you are a freshman or sophomore in high school, now is the time to set your goal and create a road map on how you plan to achieve your goals within the FFA.

Reporter: Lani Pieper, Caldwell FFA
Photographer: Cheyenne Whisenant, Vidor FFA

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