Texas FFA News  
State Officers Reflect on 2021-2022 Chapter Visits    
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 | Author: Texas FFA News

During their year of service, the Texas FFA Officers travel the state and visit hundreds of schools and meet thousands of members. We asked each of them to highlight a chapter that they loved visiting this past year. This is what they had to say...

Area I - Dumas FFA 

“I loved visiting Dumas FFA because of how welcoming and down to earth they were. We were blessed to present workshops to the students and then spend time with them and play a few games at a pizza party the chapter hosted. We were able to rekindle old friendships and build new ones that will last a lifetime!” - Grady McAlister

Area II - Eastlake FFA
"Towards the end of our first semester, Grady and I visited Eastlake FFA. The chapter officers and their parents greeted us with hospitality and joy. They actively participated in the workshop and were eager to get more involved. I was thoroughly impressed with their desire to grow as FFA members and individuals. I can't wait to see the amazing things they achieve in the future!" - Delaney Brown

Area III - Friendswood FFA
"Friendswood FFA was our very last chapter for Area III travel. My favorite memory was when Ember and Emily, and I were dancing to church clap, and a few members joined in on the fun. That excitement carried throughout the rest of the time we spent there. The passion each member had for agriculture and FFA was evident, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for them." - Gracey Leopold

Area IV - Clyde FFA
“During fall travel, we had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Clyde FFA chapter, where we were greeted with smiling faces and thoughtful minds. Each and every student was eager to learn how to make a positive difference in their school, community, and world. I am so excited to see how Clyde FFA continues to leave their impact inside and outside the jacket.” - Ryan Hess

Area V - Gunter FFA
“This past fall, we had the opportunity to visit my dear friends of Gunter FFA. They may be small in size; however, their passion for leadership, success, and people is huge! Members had the chance to tell their stories and connect our facilitation with their everyday lives and how they can impact their chapter, school, and community." - Gunnar Griggs-Bell

Area VI - Miller Grove FFA
"This year, Miller Grove FFA welcomed us with such open arms that I couldn’t think of a more positive experience with a chapter. From their student leaders to their fantastic ag teachers, the chapter has a bright future ahead of it!" - Jeremiah Steph

Area VII - Floresville FFA
“Floresville FFA gave us a breathtaking welcome with signs, posters, gift baskets of items that represent their town, and FFA-themed cookies! They also gave us the incredible opportunity to share our mutual passions and learn about the many chapter members that have such a monumental drive for this organization! I felt at home with the many moments of laughter, spirit, and drive to make a difference within our world. I am ecstatic to watch Floresville FFA and its members continue to redefine success and what community truly means.” - Ember Reyes

Area VIII - Oglesby FFA
“The members of Oglesby FFA are some of the most genuine and involved individuals that I have encountered. The advisor has a continuously growing passion for her students, and they are doing incredible work revamping their program. The chapter is unified and supports their fellow members and the new growth.” - Kadyn Collins

Area IX - Normangee FFA
"The highlight of Area IX travel was our visit to Normangee FFA. From our arrival at Mrs. Schroeder's house with a surprise birthday party waiting for Ember, to the massive breakfast, one-of-a-kind gift basket, and a group of students like no other, Normangee felt as much like home as a chapter possibly could in such a short time!" - Brady Neuman

Area X - Karnes City FFA
“During our second week of Area X travel, we had the honor of visiting the phenomenal chapter of Karnes City FFA. The members welcomed us with open arms and truly made the visit outstanding. The chapter officer team was eager to serve their members and assist with activities throughout our time. We could tell this chapter was a close-knit group of members and that the community truly supported them.” - Emily Dreyer

Area XI - Anderson-Shiro FFA
“When visiting the Anderson-Shiro FFA chapter, we got to talk to the members about FFA, their future plans, college, and careers. As a bonus, we spent some time with their chapter officers and played with an adorable puppy. I cannot wait to see the awesome things this chapter accomplishes.” - Allison Gallaher

Area XII - Stony Point FFA
"The members of Stony Point FFA blew me away. In every person that I got to speak with, I could see the genuine passion for the FFA. After our presentation, we got to hang out and eat Chick-Fil-A with some of the members, and that’s a memory I’ll never forget. Stony Point FFA, thank you for your kindness, hospitality, and passion!” - Cade Conrad

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