Over 98 students enrolled in high school agriculture science gathered at the State Fair on Wednesday, October 6, to observe the fourth annual Leadership F.A.I.R. (Finding Agriculture Interesting and Rewarding). Schools participating included Byron Nelson, Lake Dallas, Crowley, Nimitz and Marlin. Several teachers, school administrators, teacher educators, graduate students and corporate leaders assisted with activities. The keynote speaker was Curtis Childers, past National President of the FFA.
Students, who attended, participated in four different leadership activities which created an awareness of what they can learn and accomplish through the FFA. The day started with registration at 8:30 a.m., followed by a general session, which included introductions and ice breakers. After three 30 minute sessions, the keynote speaker, lunch, and another 30 minute session, the students enjoyed AgriQuest, a scavenger hunt. Students were rewarded for their participation in the activities by receiving tickets for the State Fair and for door prizes given at the end, which included iPod’s, gift cards to restaurants and many others.
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Dr. Larke, teacher educator, met with the teachers and staff in attendance. He encouraged them to be diverse in their teaching and very inclusive of all students. They enjoyed a question and answer session and shared experiences that have benefitted them in increasing diversity among students in their classrooms.
Other participants included Warren Mayberry, DuPont; J.J. Aiken, Nimitz agriculture science teacher; Juan Ramirez, Sabrina Hernaiz, chapters officers from Crowley FFA; Cody Osborn, graduate student, Texas A&M University; Johnie Jones, graduate student, University of Texas; Becky DeShazo, agriculture science teacher, Crowley ISD. Special guests were Aaron Alejandro, Executive Director of the Texas FFA Foundation and Tom Maynard, Executive Director of Texas FFA.