Texas FFA News  
Past State Officers Reunite    
Wednesday, September 1, 2010 | Author: John L. Hawley, Caney Creek FFA

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Each year the Texas FFA officer team leads our organization at statewide events, leadership contests and state convention. Throughout the year, they create strong bonds and continue to strengthen their relationships. When their year of service comes to an end, they continue to pursue their own individual dreams.  

The Past State Officer (PSO) Organization was created to unite these past state officers. The organization held a banquet prior to the fifth general session, inviting all PSOs to come and reunite with their team members.

“As a Past State Officer Organization we try to create a sense of brotherhood,” 2009-2010 PSO Organization President Dustin Kinder said. “PSOs are spread all throughout the state, if not the country.”         

Kinder and the other leaders of the PSO Organization work hard year-round helping the current state officers and communicating with as many past state officers as they can. Kinder spoke highly of his organization’s progress towards uniting past state officers and the contributions they are planning to make to Texas FFA. Kinder mentioned the new PSO Challenge, which is a call for every PSO team to donate $1000.  

“There are PSOs who are actively involved with different contests, helping out in service in any way we can to help the Texas FFA,” Kinder said. “I think the PSO Challenge will be effective, we have to get it out to our organization and reconnect.”

Being a PSO himself, Kinder displays the same service which made him an effective state officer. This was true for dozens of other PSOs who were in attendance at the banque t and reunited with their teams.

“It’s a once in a lifetime experience,” 1949-1950 Texas FFA Vice President Lee Cowell said. “I haven’t seen some of them in nearly 60 years.”

This was Cowell’s and three other members’ first convention since 1950, and the experience left them in awe.

“11,000 people registered! We might have had fewer than 1,000 at the 1950 convention,” Cowell said. “It was more like a big chapter meeting, with a little bit of entertainment, vastly different.”

Cowell mentioned during his time other states had much more involvement, and he is proud of how Texas FFA has grown. PSOs have set a standard for leaders in Texas FFA through the years. Their hard work, dedication and continuing support of Texas FFA will continue to build their legacy across the association.


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