Texas FFA News  
National FFA Convention - Texas Rewind    
Wednesday, December 1, 2010 | Author: Tom Maynard, Texas FFA Executive Director

Texans Dominate National Agriscience Fair

Texas members brought five national titles in the National FFA Agriscience Fair back to the Lone Star State, with 13 of its 20 entries finishing in the top three and 15 rated as gold in the four tier rating system (gold, silver, bronze, participant). Texans captured the greatest number of national titles, top three finishes and gold medals.

National Winners
• Bailey Brashears/Blake Conner, Frenship, Biochemistry/Food Science/Microbiology-Division III
• Tyler Thompson, Florence, Environmental Science-Division I
• Jayton Rainey, Slaton, Environmental Science-Division II
• Ariel Jones/Mary Lavender, Environmental Science-Division IV
• Cassidy Jordan, East Central, Zoology-Division I

National Runner-up
• Colton Hanson, A&M Consolidated, Botany-Division II
• Calli McIntyre, Jordan Brown, A&M Consolidated, Botany-Division III
• Colten Froneberger, Sulphur Springs, Engineering-Division I

Third Place
• Corrie TerHarr, Florence, Biochemistry/FoodScience/Microbiology-Division I
• Sondra Lohse/Chelsea Raymer, Judson, Botany-Division IV
• Hunter Howard/Tommy Rivoire, Krum, Engineering-Division III
• Patricia Ward/Tasha Womack, James Madison, Engineering-Division IV
• Kailey Miller/Madison King, Rouse, Environmental Science-Division III

Texans Sweeps Top Two Spots in Tractor Restoration
Texas entries swept the two spots in the Chevron Tractor Restoration Competition. Will Chappell and Tyrel Bohrer of the El Campo Chapter captured grand champion honor, with a 1966 Case 1200 Traction King. The Hondo FFA was named as national runner-up with a 1937 John Deere Model B tractor.

A Texas entry has won the national competition three of the past five years.

The El Campo and Hondo entries were two of twelve national finalists selected earlier this year. Eight of the twelve finalists were Texas entries. No other state had multiple entries amongst the twelve finalists.

Individuals or chapter teams document the restoration of old tractors in the competition and submit a detailed application which can be hundreds of pages long. Finalists make a 20-minute presentation to a panel of experts and field questions during a 15-minute question-answer round. Tractor restoration is used to teach the fundamentals of agricultural power in the agriculture, food and natural resources instructional program.

Texas CDE Entries Remain Strong in National Competition
In spite of not winning a single national championship, Texas FFA’s career development event entries turned in solid performances in national competition. Texans turned more top five finishes than any other state and tied with Missouri for the most top ten finishes with 13. More than half (57%) of the state’s entry’s finished in the top ten and 61% earned a gold emblem rating. 14 states failed to place any entries in the top ten.

National CDE’s—Texas Top 10 Summary
• National Runner-Up: Agricultural Sales, Orange Grove
• National Runner-Up: Food Science, Florence
• National Runner-Up: Marketing Plan, Madisonville
• National Runner-up, Meats Evaluation, Hondo
• National Runner-up: Poultry, Cibolo Creek
• Other top 10 finishes by Texas entries:

     3rd Agricultural Communications, East Central
     3rd Environmental and Natural Resources, Rusk
     3rd Horse Evaluation, Hondo
     3rd Parliamentary Procedure, Bellville
     4th Agricultural Mechanics, Sandra Day O’Conner
     8th Forestry, Warren
     8th Livestock, Marion
     10th Dairy Foods, Haskell

    State Career Development Event Comparison

    Texas National Career Development Event Results and History Since 2005

Manvel Wins Hall of States Competition
For the first time in recent history, Texas has won the Hall of States. The Manvel Chapter (Alvin ISD), south of Houston, fielded the winning entry. The Hall of States features displays promoting agriculture and agricultural education in participating states. 

Since 2006, Texas FFA has solicited chapter proposals from across the state and supported a display created by a local chapter. Hall of States team members attend the display throughout the convention, field questions from the public and from a panel of judges who evaluate the displays and select a winner.

Texas Recognized for Top Membership Growth
Texas FFA was recognized for top membership growth in an award ceremony that was part of the national delegate process. It wasn’t close. Texas FFA grew by more than 11,000 between membership year 2008-09 and 2009-10. The Texas membership surge accounted for more than two-thirds of the total national membership growth and vaulted the Lone Star State back into its position as the nation’s largest state association, a status Texas surrendered to California three years ago. Texas was also recognized for having the third largest percent membership growth.

Texans Receive Honorary American FFA Degrees
Three Texas agricultural science teachers received the Honorary American FFA Degree at the 83rd National FFA Convention. Adrian O’Hanlon of Gunter, Michael Rainey of Florence and Jack Winterrowd of Cedar Park, received the highest honorary degree bestowed by the National FFA Organization. Each year, a state may submit nominations not to exceed ten percent of the total number of teachers in the state.

Other Texans receiving the Honorary American Degree were Bethany Elmore of Decatur, a long-time supporter of the Decatur Chapter, Frank Franklin, Superintendent, McMullen County Schools (Tilden); Wash Jones, Prairie View A&M University; Jay R. Roberts, Principal, S&S Consolidated High School and Bruce Yeager, Superintendent, Ponder ISD.


Texas Delegate operations were headed by State Vice President Will Ellis of Area VIII and the Midlothian Chapter.

One constitutional amendment was presented to the delegates of the 83rd National FFA Convention regarding a state ratification to the National Delegate process.  The constitutional amendment involved adding a “ratification of states” requirement to the delegate process. This marks the 8th consecutive year that this amendment, or amendments similar to this, has been proposed.  Under this proposal, an amendment to National FFA Constitution would be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the official delegates and then must be ratified by a majority vote of the state associations with official delegates at the National FFA Convention. An amendment to the Bylaws would require the same procedure. The Texas FFA delegates were strongly opposed to this amendment. Requiring a two-thirds vote to pass and receiving a vote of 202 in favor and 256 opposed, the proposed amendment failed. This amendment received fewer votes in favor and more opposed votes than previous years.

In other action, National Delegates approved committee reports regarding the following subjects: (Each committee report can be reviewed by visiting the National FFA website: https://www.ffa.org/About/NationalFFA/Pages/NationalConventionDelegates.aspx )

1) Vet Science CDE
Recommendation summary: create a career development event consisting of small animal, large animal, and a reduced focus on exotic animals. 
452 For, 0 Against – Committee Recommendation Passed

2) Using American Supplies
Recommendation summary: when feasible, FFA continues their efforts in exploring the use of American suppliers unless quality, price, and efficiency are sacrificed.

452 For, 0 Against – Committee Recommendation Passed

3) SAE Standards
Recommendation summary: create an interactive online program designed to assist students in discovering connections between their interest areas and possible SAE programs. 

452 For, 0 Against – Committee Recommendation Passed

4) Increase Student Voice on the National Level
Recommendation summary: utilize an online student forum where students can submit questions and concerns.

322 For, 117 Against – Committee Recommendation Passed

5) At Large Election of National Officers
Recommendation summary: make a constitutional change of Article 9, Section A so it would read, “The elected officers of the National FFA Organization shall be a president, four vice presidents, and a secretary with at least one officer being from each region.”

222 For, 213 Against – Committee Recommendation Passed
6) FFA Degree Expansion
Recommendation summary: National FFA accept agricultural research project hours in obtaining FFA degrees at all levels with proposed guidelines. 

Majority in Favor – Committee Recommendation Passed 

Delegate committee reports are not binding, but represent stakeholder input to the National FFA Organization’s Board of Directors.  Texas FFA members, teachers and other stakeholders who want issues considered in the national delegate process should submit their issues to current state FFA officers, 2011-12 area officers or state staff prior to the 2011 State Leadership Conference held June 4-7.

The delegates also approved the National FFA Organization Program of Activities (POA) report, the audit committee reports, and set member dues at $7, keeping dues the same as the previous year.


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