Texas FFA News  
Meet Your 2021-2022 State Officers    
Sunday, August 15, 2021 | Author: Texas FFA News

The primary responsibility of a state FFA officer is to serve. When you become a state officer,
you agree to dedicate one year of your life to service with the Texas FFA Association. You year
of service as a state officer is one of profound growth – you will change in ways you never
imagined. This may be the greatest personal benefit of serving as a state officer, along with
knowing that you alone make a positive difference in the lives of thousands of FFA members,
advisors, partners and others.



Grady McAlister 
Area I 

Nazareth FFA

West Texas A&M University

Plant, Soil, and Environmental Science

Past Activities
Radio Broadcasting LDE, Senior Quiz LDE, Senior Creed Speaking LDE, Veterinary Science CDE, Agronomy CDE, Senior Prepared Public Speaking, Grain Crop Production, Hay Trailer Sales, Forage Crop Production, Ag Mechanics, Chapter Officer

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“My favorite aspect of FFA is its ability to open gates into agriculture for any and every person. No matter what an individual’s past, economic status, or identity may be, FFA shows its members every opportunity in agriculture; despite where someone works or the lifestyle they live, FFA shows everyone how his or her life is impacted by agriculture and how everything in life is rooted in agriculture.”



Delaney Brown
Area II

Seminole FFA

Texas A&M University

Animal Science

Past Activities
Agriculture Quiz LDE, Radio Broadcasting LDE, Chapter Conducting LDE, Creed Speaking LDE, Veterinary Science CDE, Cotton CDE, Market Swine Production, Breeding Beef Production, Swine Production, Chapter Officer, District Officer, Area Officer 

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“My favorite part of FFA is the welcoming feeling of having a home away from home. As each member has their own interests and backgrounds, the FFA has built an incredible network for each member to be recognized and valued in any avenue of the ever-growing agriculture industry. Within the FFA, there are avenues and resources for all members to be successful in a wide array of opportunities ranging from aquaponics to agriculture economics, and everything in between.”



Gracey Leopold
Area III

Sweeny FFA

Texas A&M University

Agriculture Leadership and Development

Past Activities
Skills Team LDE, Creed Speaking LDE, Public Relations LDE, Livestock Judging CDE, Junior Prepared Public Speaking, Senior Prepared Public Speaking, Market Swine Production, Breeding Beef Production, Commercial Beef Production, Chapter Officer, District Officer, Area Officer

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“My favorite part of FFA is the diverse opportunities that FFA offers to its members. There truly is an opportunity for everyone, whether that is animals or if a member is more into science and research, you can always find something that you like. We pride ourselves on the differences within our organization and the ability to come together with a shared love of agriculture.”



Ryan Hess
Area IV

Stephenville FFA

Texas Tech University

Agricultural Communications and Political Science

Past Activities
Chapter Conducting LDE, Agriculture Quiz LDE, Agriculture Issues LDE, Meat Judging CDE, Food Science CDE, Marketing Plan CDE, Agriscience Fair, Beef Production, Service-Learning, Agriscience Research, Chapter Officer, District Officer, Area Officer, Ford Leadership Scholar

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“My favorite part of the FFA is the vast array of members that can be met at conventions, contests, and camps. I have been able to meet people from across the state and nation that I would have never had the opportunity to meet if it was not for the FFA. These connections and relationships are more than any achievement I could ever receive, and I will always be thankful for the FFA allowing me those experiences.”



Gunnar Griggs-Bell
Area V

Gunter FFA

Texas Tech University

Agriculture Leadership and Development / Pre-Law

Past Activities
Chapter Conducting LDE, Agriculture Issues LDE, Agriculture Quiz LDE, Livestock Judging CDE, Senior Prepared Public Speaking, Agriscience Fair, Market Swine Production, Market Steer Production, Chapter Officer, District Officer, Area Officer

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“My favorite part about the FFA is the diversity within our organization. Each and every member comes from a different walk of life. That also comes with participating and competing in so many opportunities. However, at the end of the day, we are all here for the same reasons; to develop our potential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agriculture education. We are the future of agriculture and our world, and I think that it is very neat for students to be a part of.”



Jeremiah Steph
Area VI

Beckville FFA

Texas Tech University

Animal Science with a Concentration in Science  

Past Activities
Job Interview LDE, Greenhand Quiz LDE, Farm Skills CDE, Livestock Judging CDE, Vet Science CDE, Public Speaking, Chapter Officer, District Officer, Area Officer

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“My favorite aspect of FFA is all the different types and kinds of people that you get to meet along the way. Every person has their own unique story that you can get to know, and each one is more fascinating than the last.”


Ember Reyes - President

Area VII

James Madison FFA

West Texas A&M University

Animal Science / Pre-Vet

Past Activities
Agriculture Issues LDE, Agriculture Advocacy LDE, Job Interview LDE, Agriculture Communications CDE, Agriculture Sales CDE, Vet Science CDE, Range Plant ID CDE, Agriscience Fair, Poultry Production, Public Speaking, World Food Prize, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Foundation Ambassador, Chapter Officer, District Officer, Area Officer

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“My favorite component of FFA is how family-oriented this organization is: FFA not only includes your own family, but it gives you a whole new family full of beautifully diverse individuals. I love how FFA really prioritizes giving classroom knowledge opportunities for hands-on applications; this has really helped grow my own understanding of what agriculture is and why it is so important.”


Kadyn Collins 


Corsicana FFA

Texas Tech University

Agricultural Communications

Past Activities
Greenhand Skills LDE, Agriculture Issues LDE, Job Interview LDE, Cotton Judging CDE, Livestock Judging CDE, Range CDE, Senior Prepared Public Speaking, Agriscience Fair, Agriculture Mechanics, Market Swine Production, Market Lamb Production, Chapter Officer, District Officer, Area Officer

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“My favorite part of the FFA is the vast array of opportunities provided in order to connect with those around you. The members of this organization make up one of the best second families anyone could ask for. The FFA is a place that celebrates these connections, and no matter where you come from or who you are, you can feel right at home.”  


Brady Neuman
Area IX

Onalaska FFA

Texas A&M University

Biomedical Science

Past Activities
Agriculture Issues LDE, Public Relations LDE, Greenhand Quiz LDE, Wildlife CDE, Land Judging CDE, Homesite Evaluation CDE, Senior Prepared Public Speaking, Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Market Steer Production, Chapter Officer, District Officer, Area Officer

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“I believe that my favorite aspect of the FFA is the world of opportunities for anyone willing to try. Students aren't limited by finances, chapter size, genetics, or any other factor as they would be in many organizations, but instead are limited only by their passion for success in the FFA.”



Emily Dreyer
Area X

Tuloso-Midway FFA

Texas Tech University

Agriculture Communications and Agriculture Leadership

Past Activities
Chapter Conducting LDE, Job Interview LDE, Public Relations LDE, Poultry Judging CDE, Land Judging CDE, Meat Judging CDE, Senior Prepared Public Speaking, Market Steer Production, Breeding Heifer Production, Market Broiler Production, More Than A Jacket Service Project, Chapter Officer, District Officer, Area Officer

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“My favorite part of FFA is making lifelong connections with all of the members. Each member comes from a different walk of life and has different skills. The beautiful thing about FFA is that we can all come together for the betterment of ourselves, our chapters, and our organization.”

Allison Gallaher

Area XI

Weimar FFA

Texas Tech University

Agricultural Communications and Political Science

Past Activities
Agriculture Quiz LDE, Public Relations LDE, Agriculture Advocacy LDE, Wool Judging CDE, Meats Judging CDE, Food Science CDE, Horse Judging CDE, Senior Prepared Public Speaking, Market Lamb Production, Rabbit Production, Neighborhood Meals on Wheels Community Service, Chapter Officer, District Officer

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“My favorite part of FFA is the opportunities we offer. Our organization is so diverse and every member is offered the same opportunities. We offer leadership camps and conferences where members can grow their leadership skills while meeting new people. We have a wide variety of SAEs in our state that range anywhere from showing livestock to having a cockroach farm. We also have many different LDE, CDE, and SDE events for our members to compete in. I believe the members of our organization are well rounded individuals due to the opportunities we offer.”

Cade Conrad

Area XII

Bryan FFA

Texas A&M University

Agricultural Engineering

Past Activities
Agriculture Advocacy LDE, Agriculture Skills LDE, Senior Quiz LDE, Livestock Judging CDE, Food Science CDE, Agriculture Sales CDE, Market Swine Production, Market Goat Production, Breeding Heifer Production, Chapter Officer, District Officer, Area Officer

What is your favorite part about FFA?
“My favorite part of the FFA is that our mission is to develop premier leadership, personal growth, and career success, but our members experience so much more than that. The FFA provides such a welcoming sense of community and an environment where our students can truly discover their passions and goals, all while making amazing memories that will last a lifetime.”


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