Meadow FFA Member Builds Cattle Production Operation
Wednesday, May 15, 2024 | Author: Texas FFA News
Meadow FFA member, Ryder Day, is capitalizing on the opportunity to expand his successful agriculture production operation.
"My project consists of embryonic collection and transfer between donor and recipient cows," said Day. "I focus on breeding my herd to raise replacement heifers and steers to sell or to show myself."
The FFA member must make breeding decisions such as when to AI his cows and which bulls to pair with each donor.
"I can identify heats on breeding age females, detect sickness, treat accordingly, and modify feed rations depending on needs assessed," said Day. "With my steer projects, I assess which calves to put on feed for my brother and me, how to feed them throughout the year, when they need feet trimmed, daily care, and grooming at shows."
He believes that one of his most substantial accomplishments, thanks to his SAE, has been acquiring his own land. After being named Grand Champion Steer in Fort Worth in 2020, his winning proceeds provided him the opportunity.
"I was able to purchase 320 acres of pasture in 2021," said Day. "The loan application process was both daunting and exciting."
He manages the land and continues to grow his operation through income generated from the sale of steer projects and beef animals.
"I've successfully exhibited animals raised from embryo stage to major show exhibition, as well as selling projects for other FFA and 4-H youth to enjoy," said Day. "I feel that I have a lot more to learn, but I'm proud of my confidence."
Day's successful SAE project was recognized at the 2023 Texas FFA State Convention as the Star Chapter in Production.