Five Tips for Preparing An Agriscience Fair Presentation
Friday, April 22, 2022 | Author: Abernathy FFA Members

The Texas FFA Agriscience Fair allows students to use the scientific process as they reinforce skills and principles they have learned in agriscience courses. Students use scientific principles and emerging technologies to solve complex agriculture, food, and natural resources problems. They prepare a scientific report and display it for judging as they conduct their research, where industry experts inquire about their subject matter.
A few successful Agriscience Fair participants from Abernathy FFA share five tips to help you prepare for your final project presentation.

Tip #1 - Reach out to individuals who specialize in your area of research and conduct interviews to further understand your subject matter.
Tip #2 - Organize your presentation information logically to help the judges understand your research process better. If you have a partner, make sure that you are collaborating on your presentation so that it is evenly presented between the two of you.
Tip #3 - Layout your scientific presentation poster in a logical order so that the information corresponds with your presentation.
Tip #4 - Once you conclude your project, continue to research your topic to be informed of the most up-to-date information pertaining to the subject matter.
Tip #5 - Present your presentation to several people to practice answering questions. The more people you present to, the more variety of questions you are equipped to respond thoughtfully and thoroughly.
Written by: Charlee Chambers, Cash Martin, Berkley Carver, Jentry Chisum, Graden Allen, and Jacob Williamson of Abernathy FFA.