Throughout the week of the Texas FFA Convention, past and present members hosted workshops to promote leadership skills. Members participated in entertaining games and thought-provoking activities as they continued to develop their own skills of premier leadership, personal growth and career success.
National Officer Gracie Furnish kicked off the first workshop of convention titled “Catalysts of the 50,000.” Furnish discussed the need to change daily negative thoughts to positive ones.
“To me, the power of thought is super important in life and whether I’m thinking positively or negatively really impacts me,” Furnish said. “I am really interested helping develop ways to help members change the way they are thinking and how that changes words, attitudes and actions.”
The goal of leadership workshops is to form members into leaders, teach the necessary qualities people desire to obtain and learn how to better the world around them.
Other diverse topics were discussed through the various workshops hosted during convention. For example, one workshop focused on the importance of failure and why it is necessary to grow; another focused on how small positive changes result in dynamic differences.
“These workshops help you truly understand what you need to apply to life to become a better leader,” said Aleena Sanchez, Frisco Lone Star FFA.
Reporter: Lani Pieper, Caldwell FFA
Photographer: Kayla Frank, Sunnyvale FFA