College Station FFA Member Educates Public About Poultry SAE Through Instagram
Saturday, August 15, 2020 | Author: Lani Pieper, Texas FFA News Staff
College Station FFA member Cody Poole strives to educate others about his poultry Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) project through what he likes to call his “Chickstagram.”
Poole’s interest in hatching chicks and laying hens began when his high school ag department had an incubator set up in the classroom. After the chicks hatched, he was able to take them home to his own coop. He then created an Instagram profile to share pictures of their growth and progress with his fellow students.
“By being able to raise chickens like I do, I am able to experience things not everyone gets to,” Poole said. “So why not show and educate others through social media?”
His page, @codys_chickstagram, has established a following of more than 1,900 followers since inception in 2019.
“I enjoy having my Instagram platform because now not only can I share things with my friends, I can advocate for agriculture in a trendy way that sparks people’s interest,” Poole said.
Taking advantage of the Instagram platform, he shares information and fun facts through posts, captions, and stories. By using dynamic and aesthetically pleasing images and informative captions followers learn the importance of agriculture and the poultry industry.
“Through my SAE, I hope to inform the people of how poultry products like eggs make it from farm to table,” Poole said.