2022-2023 Texas FFA Officers' Strategic Priorities
Thursday, September 29, 2022 | Author: Texas FFA News
As state officers, their job is to serve our great organization and the members within it. They strive to make a concerted effort to communicate information and updates, while simultaneously prioritize the values, programs, and initiatives our organization are founded upon.

Our Vision Statement
For the upcoming year, the team has developed a statement to guide them through their decisions and actions. The team’s vision statement reads, “We will further develop our legacy of excellence by fostering a home that values differences and maximizes individual potential."
Our Strategic Priorities
A strategic priority is a specific issue or item of business that the current state officer team finds should be evaluated or addressed. They set these priorities to advance our organization and better fulfill the needs of the Texas FFA members.
Below, they have outlined their strategic priorities for this year. They hope to keep you informed regarding progress over the next few months.
Agriculture: This committee will focus on developing agricultural advocacy and literacy resources while promoting the agricultural lifestyle and western heritage.
Building Communities: This committee will focus on providing resources to chapters with the foundation of strengthening their communities, engagement, service opportunities, and SAEs.
College and Career Readiness: This committee will focus on showcasing the value of pursuing alternative pathways post students' primary education and emphasize individual skill sets in cohesion with traditional academic achievement.
Material Development: Provide, enhance and deliver materials and resources available to all FFA members and teachers.
As a team, they look forward to the growth they will experience alongside our members this year. They are excited to work towards achieving these priorities!