As state officers, our job is to serve our great organization and the members within it. We are making a concerted effort to communicate information and updates discussing the various programs and initiatives our state association and leadership are working towards.
Our Vision Statement
For the upcoming year, our team has developed a statement to guide us through the decisions and actions we must make. Our team’s vision statement reads, “We will ensure that everyone has a seat at our table by empowering individuals to maximize their potential, celebrate differences, and remain resilient.”
In many ways, this has directed the creation of our strategic priorities aimed at enhancing member experiences in FFA on the chapter, district, area, and state level.
Our Strategic Priorities
A strategic priority is a certain issue or item of business which the current state officer team finds should be evaluated or addressed. We set these priorities to advance our organization and to better fulfill the needs of the Texas FFA members.
Below, we’ve outlined our strategic priorities for this year. We hope to keep you informed regarding progress over the next few months.
Agriculture Industry Opportunities: This committee will focus on providing chances for members to further explore various agriculture industry opportunities and to bridge the gap between production agriculture and the general public through promoting various sectors of the industry.
Building Relationships While Remaining Resilient: This committee will focus on bridging the gap between state officers and chapter officers by establishing authentic relationships despite these challenging times.
Celebrating Differences: This committee will focus on celebrating FFA members' differences by collecting information and striving to provide resources to accommodate members of all cultural backgrounds, learning and physical adversities, and socioeconomic statuses.
Maximize Student Potential: This committee will focus on maximizing the potential of FFA members by collecting information on member development needs and providing resources specific to that data.
As a team, we look forward to the growth we will experience alongside you all this year. We are excited to work towards the achievement of these priorities, and we hope you thoroughly enjoy your year as a Texas FFA member.
Keep an eye out for more exciting and informative articles to come that will keep you and your chapter up to date with all things Texas FFA.