Texas FFA News  
The 93rd Annual Texas FFA Convention Reaches More Members Than Ever Before    
Wednesday, September 15, 2021 | Author: Austin Large, Texas FFA Executive Director

The feeling was indescribable as the Fort Worth Convention Center roared to life on Monday afternoon. After a canceled in-person event in 2020 and months of uncertainty regarding the 2021 convention, it was surreal for the start of the 93rd Texas FFA Convention to be here. The 2020-2021 state officers chose the theme of “Elevate” for this year’s convention. The theme was an appropriate representation of how, despite the challenges of this last school year, FFA members and chapters rose above adversity to achieve great heights. Here are some of the exciting things that took place at this year’s convention!

Eight hundred sixteen chapters registered for the in-person convention experience, and 12,246 individuals joined us in Fort Worth for the festivities. Sixty-three chapters registered for the virtual convention experience, and 2,881 unique visitors came to the convention platform throughout the week. Those visitors accounted for 7,092 unique visits to the site and more than 50,000 individual page views during that time. When looking at both in-person and virtual participation, we had the most participation ever in a convention with 15,127 participants!

Many favorite convention activities were back after a hiatus due to the pandemic. This year’s convention featured general sessions, an exhibit show, leadership workshops, and the FFA rodeo! William Clark Green played the convention kick-off concert, sponsored by Ag Worker’s on Tuesday, and participants rocked out to our incredible talent contestants on Thursday during Fun Night! State-level competitors in the Agriscience Fair, Speaking Development Events, Spanish Creed Speaking Invitational, and Star Awards fought hard for top honors. It was an incredible week celebrating and highlighting the excellence of Texas FFA members and chapters.

Conducting the business of the association is always a highlight of the convention each year. On Wednesday morning, convention delegates considered several items of business. Dues for the 2021-2022 membership year were set at $5.00 per member. Delegates also approved the budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and approved the state degree and honorary state degree recipients. Ryan Williamson of El Campo, TX, was selected as the 2021 National Officer Candidate from Texas. Ryan will represent our state at the 94th National FFA Convention and Expo this fall. Finally, a new slate of officers was elected to serve the association this coming year

We look forward to the year that lies ahead with this new officer team. Thank you to everyone who registered and participated in this year’s convention. Thank you to the 2020-2021 state officer team for everything that was done over the last year to keep members feeling connected and affirmed in their purpose. Thank you to the Texas Team Ag Ed members for working hard to make this opportunity a reality for students. Thank you to the Fort Worth Host Committee for their efforts to garner support for our hallmark event. This would not have been possible without the efforts of everyone!

We’ll see you next summer in Fort Worth for the 94th Texas FFA State Convention, July 11-15, 2022!

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