Texas FFA News  
Why I Teach Ag: Rebecca Brummond    
Tuesday, September 6, 2022 | Author: Texas FFA News

What ag education classes do you teach?
I have taught Horticulture Science, Principles of AFNR, Advanced Plant and Soil Science, Equine Science, Food Technology, Floral Design, Advanced Floral Design, Livestock Production, Advanced Animal Science and Landscape Design.
Why do you teach ag?
I teach ag to enlighten students about the importance of agriculture in their life. At first, I went to college to be an extension agent, but when I was sitting in my college welding class with my roommate, she told me she did not know how to weld. This surprised me, as she had been in the two-hour welding class in high school. I inquired about what she did learn from that class; her response was how to play cards. This saddened me since I had two great ag teachers, Dennis Pierce and Danny Reaves, who taught me to weld, fit and build projects in class. 

After this experience, I wanted to be another great ag teacher that students can learn from! 

I have continued teaching ag because I love educating my students about a topic I am passionate about, and I hope to share my passion with them!

What is your favorite classroom memory as a teacher?
To choose one favorite classroom memory is impossible when you have taught as long as I have. The best memories from my classes come from  Principles of Agriculture. This is my favorite class to teach. I love seeing students battle with different aspects of the course to finally find the one thing that sparks an interest in them. In that class, I teach about FFA and parliamentary procedure, animals, plants, and soil, and we even go into the shop and make a shop project. Some students excel at the plants, and some love the parliamentary procedure; others may not find their passion until we start building projects in the shop. I have had students who struggle with tests, notes, bookwork, and everything in school until they get the chance to work with tools in the shop and find success.

Often, I have students whom other teachers, including other ag teachers, struggle with only to make a connection that helps them succeed in my classes and others. Educating and helping students find a possible purpose for their future careers is the best part of my job.

What is your favorite FFA memory?
Again it is hard to pick one favorite FFA memory. I have made many unforgettable memories hauling students all over the state and nation for FFA events. I love training all aspects of FFA, from LDEs and CDEs to public speaking, SAEPs, and agriscience fair. Attending district, area, state, and national conventions and leadership camps have been fun and exciting. However, the best FFA memories are helping my students obtain more than $300,000 in scholarships to go towards their future education over the years.

As a teacher, it is not just my job to help students find possible careers in agriculture, but my goal is to help them get as much money as possible to help them reach those career goals without being too far into debt. Scholarships have become so much my focus that I have stepped up to be on the scholarship committee for Area III. I did this to understand the scholarship process better and ensure that the process is the best for my students, and all of the students in Area III and Texas FFA. I have enjoyed being on this committee and helping create the rubric for scoring and having input on decisions. My main focus is to help my students obtain scholarships, but seeing students find a love and a career interest in agriculture is the most rewarding as an advisor!

Why do you believe that ag education is so important?
I fully believe all students in Texas and the nation should have to take at least the principles of agriculture course, so they are not ignorant of the importance of agriculture. Every human on this earth needs to know and understand that our food supplies do not come from the grocery store. Too often, as I discuss the importance of agriculture in all my classes at the beginning of every year, I have students who have no idea that cows have to be pregnant to produce milk and that you do not need a rooster to get eggs from a hen. Teaching students about the importance of agriculture and why they need to defend their choice of being in an agriculture class is essential. After all, where would we be without agriculture? Naked, Hungry, and Homeless!

Corporate Sponsors
  AgTrust Farm Credit  

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