Why I Teach Ag: Daniel Phillips
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 | Author: Texas FFA News
What ag education classes do you teach?
I have taught Principles of AFNR, Advanced Animal Science, Livestock Production, Small Animal Management, Equine Science and Ag Metal Technology.
Why do you teach ag?
A big reason I teach ag is the influence my two high school ag teachers had on me and their impact on my life. As ag teachers, we must educate our students to continue the work in the agriculture industry to take care of the world for future generations.
What is your favorite classroom memory as a teacher?
My favorite memory is during the 2012-2013 school year. I was awarded the Teacher of the Year for Fairfield ISD, Teacher of the Year for the VFW, and selected as the first Justin Boots Teacher of the Year for Texas.
What is your favorite FFA memory?
Choosing a favorite memory is difficult, but the numerous division winners at major stock shows, breed champions, and having a student serve as state FFA President for the 2017-2018 school year are at the top of my list.
Why do you believe that ag education is so important?
Agriculture is the backbone of this country, and as ag teachers, we are responsible for educating our students so they can continue the traditions and improve on how agriculture is used every day. Also, the hands-on aspect of agriculture classes makes learning fun, and we have something to offer every student.