Texas FFA News  
National FFA Officer Q&A with Ryan Williamson    
Wednesday, March 15, 2023 | Author: Ryan Williamson, Western Region Vice President - Texas

How did you get involved in FFA?

My hometown of El Campo, Texas, is situated in one of the most agriculturally diverse areas of the state, so naturally, I have been surrounded by agriculture my entire life. However, it was not until the first day of my freshman year of high school, when I sat in my principles of agriculture, food, and natural resources class, that I ever thought I would become an FFA member. My ag teacher, Mrs. Wilson, asked me to become a member of the agricultural issues LDE team, and the rest is history! I fell in love with the contest, learning about agriculture, and the community that I found at FFA events. I continued to say “yes” to every opportunity I found in FFA, and it led me to where I am today. 

Why did you run for national officer?

I ran for national office because I wanted to help members find their personal value through the experiences they gain in the FFA. As a freshman, I struggled to understand what skills and talents I brought to the table, but through chapter events, contests, and service, I discovered that I brought traits and experiences to the table that were unique to me. Just like former chapter, state, and national officers did for me, I want to create moments for students where they discover their potential. 

What is your favorite quote and why?

My favorite quote is, “You are exactly where you are supposed to be.” Though I’m not sure who or where I got it from, it’s something I remind myself of every day—in fact, I even wrote it on a note and put it in my FFA jacket when I was interviewing for National Office. I’ve often questioned why things don’t always go according to plan or why life gets difficult sometimes. This quote reminds me that each season of life happens on purpose and for a purpose, and eventually, you will see that the difficulties and triumphs you’ve gone through put you exactly where you needed to be.

How can every FFA member positively impact the future of agriculture? 

Each of us can positively impact the future of agriculture—we have to believe that one person, one idea, and one moment can create a change. One of my most impactful experiences in the FFA was when I created a service-learning project that addressed literacy gaps in my home community. I brought an idea to my fellow FFA members and other community members, and it inspired us to work together to create an impact. We, as students have the power to create a change—all it takes is for us to be brave enough to be that change. Find your passion, share it with others, and create the impact you desire to make.

What is a piece of advice you would give to a new FFA member?

I would tell new FFA members to use their time in the organization to explore their curiosity. When I started my FFA journey, I thought that successful FFA members won the most contests or held the highest office, so I chased after these things for myself. However, in pursuit of this, I failed to follow my passions. It was only when I chose to chase after the things that I was interested in—whether it was service, leadership, or contests—that I felt like I created the greatest impact and had the most fun in the blue jacket. 

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