2023-2024 Texas FFA Officers' Strategic Priorities
Friday, September 1, 2023 | Author: Texas FFA News
As state officers, their job is to serve our great organization and the members within it. They strive to make a concerted effort to communicate information and updates, while simultaneously prioritize the values, programs, and initiatives our organization are founded upon.

Our Vision Statement
For the upcoming year, the team has developed a statement to guide them through their decisions and actions. The team’s vision statement reads, “To promote the education of agriculture, exhibit financial responsibility, and positively influence their future of Texas FFA and our industry while adhering to our core values."
Our Strategic Priorities
A strategic priority is a specific issue or item of business that the current state officer team finds should be evaluated or addressed. They set these priorities to advance our organization and better fulfill the needs of the Texas FFA members.
Below, they have outlined their strategic priorities for this year. They hope to keep you informed regarding progress over the next few months.
Inclusion: We will pursue the further development of giving students with unique exceptionalities the resources necessary to participate in FFA activities, specifically at the Texas FFA State Convention. Our goal is not simply to offer the resources, but to ensure they support prospective and current members to enjoy their FFA experience.
Agriculture Education: We will support agricultural education through readily available lesson plans and resources while advocating for the enduring benefits of the diverse course opportunities. Through our teachers, our students reach personal growth, and we will establish the best materials possible to aid them.
Utilization of Texas FFA State Officers: We will expand further on being an asset to the Texas FFA Association by acting as the hands and feet of the organization. This will entail not only student but also educator resources. We will engage, interact, and connect with members by filling the ‘gap’ between student involvement and better understanding.
Media: We will strengthen our media presence by implementing two new video series. We understand that leadership in a fast-paced society demands relevancy, yet we demand intentionality and true community.
As a team, they look forward to the growth they will experience alongside our members this year. They are excited to work towards achieving these priorities!